One of the guest speakers was the founder of Table for Two, an NPO that aims to reduce world hunger by implementing a system that allows 20yen of applicable foods (in restaurants, in cafeterias, from grocery stores, etc) to be donated to provide meals for children in impoverished nations. 20 yen, which can get us one fifth of a bottle of water in Tokyo, creates one whole meal in a developing country.
ゲストスピーカーの一人は、Table for Twoと言うNPOの創業者の小暮 真久さん。Table for Two は、対象となる食品の購入を通して発展途上国の子どもに20円(発展途上国の子どもの給食一食分)寄付できる仕組みを提供している。チャリティでは、忘れがちなwin-winを保ち、チャリティ精神がまだ低い日本人でも継続的に社会に貢献できるシステムを構築している。
The founder of Table for Two, Masahisa Kogure is a former consultant at McKinsey and began his work to "change the world with 20yen" three years ago. Now the NPO is recognized globally and is continuing to expand.
Table for Two collaborates with corporations to provide them an opportunity to act on social responsibility and to promote those charitable action, all while increasing the number of applicable food products for their work. A win-win situation.
Social responsibility を意識し始めている日本の企業が増える中Table for Twoは、これらの企業とタイアップし、企業にプロモーションの機会を提供しながら対象商品を増やして活動を広げる。これもまたwin-win。
Just as John Wood with Room to Read, Table for Two is not just a charitable organization, but a charitable organization with a strong business backbone.
マイクロソフトのJohn Woodが始めたRoom to Readのように、Table for Two もただのチャリティ活動ではない。これらのNPOは、ビジネスのバックボーンをしっかり持ち、そのスキルを活用して、最大限の貢献度を目指す事業である。
Because of this backbone, the organization is able to achieve societal good efficiency and creatively, and in ways that charitable organizations without it couldn't.
I guess consulting isn't such a bad place to start.