個人間で被災者に支援物資を送れるウェブサイト「Toksy(トクシー)」とのコラボレーションとして、友達の猪熊真理子ちゃんが有名読者モデルを中心とした支援物資活動「reMAKE Japan」を立ち上げました。この活動は、化粧品やコスメ、スキンケアやボディケア等の美容アイテムを出品して被災地の女性達を応援する女性ならではのチャリティプロジェクト。
My friend, Mariko collaborated with Toksy, an online system that provides opportunities for individuals to send supplies to regions affected by the recent disaster to start a charitable group made up of influential young women called reMAKE Japan. This group aims to help and empower women in affected regions by posting available cosmetics and skincare products to the web and shipping them upon request.
読者モデルでも無いんだけど便乗させてもらい、 トクシーのシステムを使って早速、出品。ネイルアップで販売しているハンドローションを登録した。
Through Mariko, I was given the opportunity to participate in this charitable act, and decided to provide hand lotions that we sell at the salon.
The lotions were requested within minutes of posting. As if the victims were constantly on standby waiting for new items to be posted. This is when it hit me; the true devastation of the aftermath.
The women that requested the lotions were both from the Miyagi prefecture. One of them asked if I could send a few for her to share with her mom-friends. So I sent her 5 lotions and 5 cuticle oils, each one with a message of encouragement. A few days later, I received an email of thanks.
I received the hand lotions. I couldn't believe how fast it got here. Thank you so much for your quick response. and you even attached a message to each one of them. I'm going to share them with my friends. Once again, thank you so much. I truly appreciate it.
It's great to know that an item you are providing is actually going to be useful to someone and that there is such system to match specific donations and requests. With its own messaging system, you can send words of encouragement or confirm the safe delivery of the goods, and the requester, on the other hand, can simply say thanks.
In addition to posting items for donation, you can also search for certain requests. If you see something you are able to provide in the list, you can get in touch with that person directly and ship it.
All that the web can do.
Because of the web, people all over the world, who we may have never met, are able to help one another. The possibilities of IT are amazing . And even more, those entrepreneurs and engineers that are utilizing this powerful tool to provide services that make this world a better place are even more amazing.
Toksy, Mariko, Thank you for giving little old me the opportunity to help.