Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mixing cultural styles for a better blog. The true bilingual blogger. 文化のコラボレーションでブログ力をアップ。バイリンガルブロガーを目指して。

I've had numerous Japanese friends joke that my blog is not a blog, and that it's like a digital book of articles. Too many words, way too long... well,  I have a lot to say.


I read both Japanese and American blogs. When comparing and contrasting the two, you will notice that American blogs have much more text. Japanese blogs, on the other hand, are 80% images with 20% text, most of which are just captions for the images.


It's been four years since I've been back in Japan and I thought that I was starting to become more Japanese in nature, but as my blog suggests, I still have some American left in me.

私のアメリカンなブログの一番の欠点は、投稿に時間が掛かること 汗。記事中心なブログを書き出すと、ちょっとしたアップデートが投稿できなくなる。毎日の出来事が気軽に共有できない。写真も沢山撮ってるのに、ちゃんとメッセージがある記事を書かないとと思ってしまい、毎回ブログっぽくないブログになってしまうw

The biggest downside to my blog is that it takes forever to update.  I can't record the small, but important things that happen in my daily life. So going forth, I'm going to incorporate the Japanese style of "a picture is worth a thousand words" to provide updates on my daily life.


Taking the good of two cultures and creating something better. I believe that this is an important mission for those of us who've been abroad and have experienced multiple cultures.


So this blog turned out to be another article. Will try harder next time.

