Friday, April 1, 2011

You can run in heels or in New Balance sneakers. Moving forward in your own way. ハイヒールで走っても良いよ。自分のスタイルで前に進もう。

Sitting in the tub reading articles on techcrunch, I decided I had had enough IT updates for the day and switched over to YouTube. I never know what to watch on YouTube or what to search for, but I have been wanting to become more YouTube saavy so I typed in "famous speeches." Can't go too wrong with that.

最近気になっている動画文化。YouTubeで何か探してみようとアプリを開いた。でも、You Tubeって何を見れば良いのかいまいち分からない。私は、友達がFacebookでシェアしている動画を見るぐらいで自分から面白いコンテンツを探しに行くのは今回が初めて。とりあえず単純に「有名なスピーチ」を検索してみた。

Out came Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, Obama's "Yes we can", and words of wisdom by Gandhi, etc. Exactly what I anticipated, but there was one title that caught my eye: "The girl who silenced the world."

マーティンルーサーキングの"I have a dream"、オバマ大統領の"Yes we can"、ガンジーが残した言葉など、想定通りの検索結果。でも、その中に一件だけ気になるタイトルが:「世界を絶句させた少女」。

A 12 year old girl, Severn Suzuki, giving a speech on poverty and environmental issues at the United Nations. It's quite impressive. A 12 year old speaking passionately about all of the world's problems and how action needs to be taken by adults to fix them.

12歳の日系カナダ人の女の子 Severn Suzuki が国連の前で届けたスピーチ。環境問題、社会問題について情熱的に自分の意見を発言する。

"I’m only a child and I don’t have all the solutions, but I want you to realize, neither do you. You don’t know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer. You don’t know how to bring salmon back up a dead stream. You don’t know how to bring back an animal now extinct. And you can’t bring back forests that once grew where there is now desert. If you don’t know how to fix it, please stop breaking it!"


She goes on to talk about the children in poverty, children just like her that have no food, no shelter, no future because of the greed of developed nations.


She demanded change.


Yes, this speech was indeed breathtaking. But that's not what interested me. What interested me was the related video I found attached to it. Severn Suzuki now, 20 years later.


Through this video, I found that Severn is currently working as the international ambassador for the rare charitable research reserve, a 913-acre land reserve along the Grand and Speed Rivers that promotes awareness of the environment and the role it plays in our lives.


She explained in the interview that after years of going to the UN, traveling around the world, lobbying, and trying to deliver her message about bettering the environment at the global level, she realized the importance of local actions. If everyone did their part to take care of their own environment around them, the world should be a much better place.


When you start out small (i.e. local) like me, all you want to do is something big, to work your way up to the top, to influence people in masses. You strive to do something that will change the world; something that can be recognized by people all around the globe; something that will have impact beyond borders and across seas.


But Severn Suzuki had started out big; she was trying to make changes top-down - raising money and taking action to go talk in front of the UN, hoping that changing their views will change the rest.


From her personal experiences of trying to change the world, she realized that everything is at the bottom, at the community.  With rare, her and her team work to increase awareness of the local people; to increase appreciation for the environment that surrounds them. While it may be difficult to sympathize with environmental conditions in far away places that you have never seen and have only heard about in the news, it's another story if it's your own backyard.


I mentioned in a previous post that I would someday be a bigger existence, own a company that could make global level changes, in hopes to influence people around the world. Severn Suzuki was the opposite, making her way down to the fundamentals, where she believed was the solution.


Everyone has their own starting line, their own course, and their own pace. It's not about getting to the finish line (as if one exists in life), it's about running forward towards a common goal - a better world, a better place. There is no right way to get there. You may run for miles and hit a dead end and try another route. You can run alone or you can run together. You can run in heels or in New Balance sneakers. You can take a shortcut through a boring freeway or you can ride along the coast and enjoy the scenery.  Whatever path we take, whatever obstacles we run into, we all learn and eventually find our own way to make a difference.

