Thursday, April 7, 2011

A blanky is only worth anything because someone needs it. 頼りにされることで感じる自分の価値。

I don't know if it's because of the new spring season, but everyone around me seems to have a lot on their minds. I guess your mid 20s is when you really start thinking about what path to take in terms of your career and relationships; lots of vital decisions.


Last week ended with a dinner hearing about a friend's struggle to get back his long lost love, and this week started with a text message from a girl friend urgently needing to talk to me about work issues.

Last night a friend I hadn't talked to in months called me up to ask me questions about how to start a small business. Followed by another call from a friend who is about to join the same consulting firm; Q&A about my working style and the culture of our firm.



What I learned from all of this? That I really enjoy having my friends confide in me and ask for my help. It's a sign of trust. Hanging out in a group laughing about random stuff is fun, but it's when that person wants to talk to you one on one about their troubles that you realize the depth of the relationship.

"Being needed" allows you to confirm your existence, your worth, and your purpose in life. I believe that it is this feeling of "being needed" that keeps us going in life.

そして、気づいたこと: 内容に問わず人から相談されるって凄く嬉しいこと!言いにくいこともあるだろうけれど、私に話してくれる。「あ、信頼してくれてるんだ」と実感できる。友達と遊びに行ってワイワイ騒ぐのも楽しいけど、1対1で相手の悩みを聞くことは、違う意味で関係が深まる気がする。私は自分の悩みを人に話すタイプではないけど、人の悩みを聞いて相談にのるのは以外と好きなことに気づいた。

