Saturday, April 16, 2011

Committed to one? A bit risky don't you think? Apply diversification. 一途は危険?多様化を活用しよう!

My ventures are not in one bottom trusted,
Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate.
Upon the fortune of this present year:
Therefore, my merchandise makes me not sad.

- Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice

The other night I had dinner with a good family friend who owns a successful restaurant in Tokyo that specializes in “anago” (saltwater eel) dishes. The service industry, badly affected from the recent disaster, is seeing many restaurants in the area close down. However, his restaurant managed to recover rather quickly, with 90% of its customers back within a week.


You may be able to regain business, but you can't get back the lost fisheries or the dead eels. Due to the disaster, hundreds of eel-catching ships are now gone and the eels, most of which live in shallow waters, were taken with the tsunami. With plans to open new locations, they were worried about supply.


It's the risk of running a specialty store.  Just like diversifying your financial portfolio or diversifying business as many conglomerates do, it’s probably good to think about diversifying products within your business.  The concept of diversification has been around for centuries. Specialization is a great way to set yourself apart, but you definitely feel the riskiness of it in times like this.


As we had this conversation, we looked down at our plate of appetizers; potato salad, deep fried shrimp, sea urchin with soy sauce, marinated blueberries, I couldn’t help but notice how diversified their ingredients were and to think of all of the alternatives they had.  They were securing business continuity through diversification of products.


After dinner, we went to a lounge for drinks. He told me about his principles in doing business and how he had always thought that you should put your all into one dream and how he was doubtful when I told him that I was going to start a nail salon while still working my consulting job. He told me that I am constantly breaking his norms, but at the same time how watching me makes him realize a new style of entrepreneurialism - how i minimize risk through diversification of work.


I diversify not only to reduce risk, but to optimize my self appeal. Running a nail salon out of a nice condo in Ginza is only worth wowing about if it comes with my fancy consulting business card. It’s not that impressive in itself. Add the fact that I speak native English, and you've got all sorts of people impressed.

仕事を分散している理由は、リスクを抑えるためだけではない。自分自身のブランディングの為でもある。いくら銀座とは言え、マンションサロンの一つを経営しいるぐらいで驚く人はいない。Nail Upのショップカードは、大手コンサル会社の名刺と一緒に渡すから価値がある。実際、サロンに来てもらえればNail Upのこだわりやサービスの品質も実感してもらえるけれど、初対面の方に私の信頼度/ブランドを一瞬で感じてもらう為には両方が必要。

Of course, being an expert in one thing may have more recognizable value. However, becoming an expert is not easy; it's competitive and putting your all into one field will limit your options and possibly your potential. You don't have to specialize in one thing to set yourself apart; all you have to do is have a few strengths for self appeal. Being bilingual, working as a global management consultant, and owning a salon - I recently learned how to self brand through diversification of key characteristics.


This morning, I came across a WSJ article that discussed Indonesia’s heavy consumption of rice and how they are implementing a campaign (a “One Day, No Rice” campaign) in response to concerns of rising prices and dependence on foreign markets. With an annual per-person consumption of 275 pounds - 15 times more than the average American and twice that of an average Japanese person – Indonesia feels the need to promote intake of other carbs to decrease dependence through diversification of food sources.


It’s interesting how general concepts in business can be applied to things that affect our everyday lives.  Like when traveling abroad, they tell you to keep your cash in different places; some in your wallet, some at the hotel, some in your purse. The core concept of diversification is the same even in simple cases like this.


I'd like to take this diversification approach in expanding my nail salon. The limitations of running a salon are so clear - limited space, limited number of customers you can service. The pricing war within the beauty industry in Japan has caused a huge drop in what you can charge for a manicure. There's no longer a difference in  discount prices and regular prices since you can no longer attract customers without a coupon. Just as fast fashion is the current trend, very few women prioritize high-quality over low prices.

Nail Upに関しても、多様化のコンセプトを適用していきたい。限られたスペースに限られた人数、サロン経営の限界は明確。価格破壊で相場がどんどん低下、通常価格とキャンペーン価格の境目も分からなくなっているぐらい常にキャンペーンをしないと集客できず、ファストファッションが流行っているようにネイルに関しても品質を最優先にしている女性は少ない。やっぱり安さが重要。

With that said, there are two types of diversification that could be implemented. Diversification of the playing fields and diversification of services. Japan's nail industry is probably the bloodiest ocean out there; so find an emerging market to enter - maybe asia? maybe the middle east? We can also diversify our services. It will become increasingly necessary to come up with new non-salon services within the industry to divert ourselves away from this cannibalizing market and to start a new trend. What do we have in mind? That's still a secret.


The important thing is to always be thinking and coming up with new ideas. Thinking until your brain hurts to resolve issues at hand and to identify actions to meet future objectives and goals is what running a business is all about. I'm obviously still a baby entrepreneur, but I think I'm growing slowly but surely; making sure that I make the best of everyday discoveries to utilize each input to its fullest potential. You can wait a lifetime for miracles, but you don't have to wait to make your own changes.

