Tuesday, March 1, 2011

You can't please everybody; my views on Facebook.

I know this topic is getting old, but allow me to provide a bicultural view on the Facebook issue.


It's funny. When you look up recent articles on Facebook you get a bunch of complaints from people who tried to register on Facebook with their real names but got rejected due to the automated name filtering system.


Names like Beta, Gay, Beer, Doe, China don't make the cut. There are a lot of creative people in this world, and thus very creative names. It's gotta be difficult to develop a filtering system that pleases everyone.

I guess I would be a bit irritated too if I tried to register with my name and got rejected because it means girl in spanish. Well, I'd probably laugh and then write about it, and then get irritated.

その対応として名前のフィルターシステムを強化したら、本名が却下されてしまうメンバーが続々と登場 笑 ちょっとでも変わっている名前だと、受け付け無いとても敏感なシステム。Facebookについて英語で検索すると名前関連のクレイムの記事が検索結果の大半を占めている。

So while people in western cultures are mad at Facebook for not accepting their real names. People on this Eastern island known as Japan are outraged because they can't register with fake names.


The Japanese culture is very different. People are very secretive, very private, and do not like to stand out. In the states its common to bring your boyfriend or girlfriend to a party and introduce them to your friends. It's no big deal to reveal that you're in a relationship with so and so on your Facebook profile and heck, you can even set a picture of you and your significant other kissing as your profile pic.


Japan's popular SNS "Mixi" is an anonymous social networking site. People use pictures of their cats or dogs as their profile and use nicknames to socialize. It gives them for comfort to know that they can say what they like without having people link those words back to them... I guess.


It stems from cultural differences, I know, so there's no right or wrong, and further, there is no point in trying to convince those opposed of Facebook to start using it. People who realize its power and capabilities will register and those who don't won't.


Tokyo. Trendy fashion, modern architecture, advanced technologies... but something just does not feel "global" about this city. We are too closed in; out of fear or out of pride, I don't know, but as we all know, something needs to change or we'll fall behind.


I think that the entrance of Facebook is providing an opportunity for those of us who are willing to let down cultural and historical barriers to make global changes to accelerate our ambitions. Those that want to stick to the old ways because that's how it's been and that's our culture, too bad for them.



Facebook is not air. it's not water. it's not something a person can't live without. But it is an amazing tool for everyone to connect and possibly come together to make big changes.


I could careless about a few partypoopers though, because the fact is, the biggest party in history has started, it's spreading over the world wide web, and it's 50 billion and counting. Honestly, a few small pessimists can't stop it.


P.S. I'm sad I can't be friends with Mark on Facebook.