That someone was me. Strange thing to say, I know.
Yesterday I met a new me. A me with qualities that I never realized I had nor ever thought I would.
My boyfriend and I had gotten home from the movies - a normal day, a normal movie date; except that it was my 3rd time watching Social Network. We flipped on the TV to find the usual brain damaging worthless Japanese variety shows on every channel. My boyfriend, who has helped me grow tremendously in the last two years since we met, suggested I watch the speech that Steve Jobs gave at the Stanford Graduation awhile back. So we surfed over to YouTube and began watching.
冬の終わり掛けでいつもより少し暖かい日曜日。彼氏とSocial Networkを観に行き(これで3回目)、帰りは月島でもんじゃを食べた。ごく普通の日曜日。帰宅してテレビをつけたら、いつも通りくだらないバラエティ番組。お笑いとクラビア。こんなの見てられない。食事中に話していたSteve Jobsのスピーチを観ようと彼氏が提案。
Jobs' message: follow your intuition, follow your instincts, and live each day to the fullest like it's your last. "Stay hungry. Stay foolish."
After Jobs' speech, we found Bill Gates' commencement speech at Harvard's Graduation in the related videos on the sidebar.
This one was quite a bit longer and did not have subtitles like Jobs' speech so I watched and translated the speech for my boyfriend. Translating the content allowed me to completely absorb his words and think more deeply about what he was saying.
Gates talked about social inequities all around the world and emphasized the importance for the privileged to do something about it. It's not that people don't care, he said, it's just that people don't know what to do.
With new technologies and the power of the internet, we have all the tools to be more aware of the inequities, but the overload of information and the numerous forms of media create complexities. These complexities make it difficult for us to identify the problem. If the problem can't be identified, a solution cannot be proposed, and therefore, no action is taken.
So it is our (the privileged young people of this world) mission to take action. To use all of the resources we have to help those in need, and to make this world a better place.
It's not like I was unaware of the world's inequities or that I didn't thing it was a big deal, but I never thought that it was my responsibility to do something about it nor did I think I could do anything about it.
But after hearing Gates' speech, I felt like it was my mission in life to take everything that I have been given, a comfortable life, education, friends, families, safety, security, stability, and freedom to take action. Maybe it will be baby steps at first, but I realized that I wanted to take my entrepreneurial spirit to turn it into something more than a business that generates money. A business that helps people in big ways, a business that can take part in changing the world.
People that know me would not describe me as an emotional or sympathetic person. I'm usually clam and collected, ambitious but not passionate. After listening to Gates' speech, I reflected back on Jobs' words. If you were to die tomorrow, would you have done the things you did today? If you answer no for more than several days, something needs to change.
Not that I regret how I have lived my life, but I realized I can do a lot more. I will continue running my nail salon and going after that dream. And I will also continue working as a consultant, at least for now. But, I will continue those things with bigger visions ahead. Even though I will be doing the same things as before, the way I do it will change and therefore, the results will surely change.
The experience from the salon, the knowledge and skills from consulting - these will all become tools for me to contribute to the solving of inequities.
Yesterday my life changed.
One of my greatest qualities has been to take action. I will take that strength and focus it on issues that need it and contribute to bigger causes with greater gains.