Monday, March 14, 2011

Who needs light when you've got a PC? Save light for those that truly need it. パソコンさえあれば明かりはいらない!自分なりの計画停電。

With damages from the earthquake, Japan currently has very limited electricity. As a countermeasure, the government has approved a planned blackout to avoid real, more damaging blackouts throughout the country. Regions are taking turns dealing with cyclical blackouts to save electricity. The 23 wards of Tokyo which uses 30% of the nations' electricity was excluded due to the economic impact it would have. I live in the central ward - one of the 23 wards that won't be facing any outages.


Reasonable, but a bit unfair. My grandma who lives about an hour from Tokyo is living through the blackout, so are my other family and friends. Last night, when this announcement was made on the news I saw somebody tweeting that even though they live in the 23 wards where there will be no blackouts, she would pretend that she was an participate in a cyclical outage. Thinking this was a great idea,  I have decided to have my very own planned blackout as well. 


So today I am working in the dark. Daylight to get by during the day, and the light from my PC to get through the night. 


Who needs light when you've got a PC? Save light for those that truly need it.


Ok I admit, I'm not in a complete blackout since I have to charge my PC.  But once it's charged, I can leave it unplugged for about 5 hours. Plus, compared to the amount of electricity I normally use, this is great improvement. I'm giving myself a break.


I really haven't been the most environmentally friendly person and have never had the consciousness to save energy. But hey, it's not so bad. I learned the importance of awareness and the importance of having a "trigger" to start something.


I hope that one of these days, I'll be able to make decisions without these "triggers," but for now I'll accept me for me and do my best to change a little for the better everyday.

