Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Doing what we can. Even if it's small. 出来ることはやろう!いくら小さくても。小学校で読んだ「スイミー」の物語が今頃役立つ。

Writing this post reminded me of the story I read in my Japanese text book in elementary school called "swimmy." A bunch of little fish got together to form a big fish to fight off the bully fish. It really is the little things that add up.

This whole weekend I didn't take a single step out of my house.  I sat in front of my PC all day long amazed at the support from all over the globe on Facebook, on Twitter, in my gmail account, for those suffering from the earthquake and its aftermath.


All of the big companies and organizations making generous contributions. Lady Gaga with her Pray for Japan bracelet. Major sports teams and their donations. Groupon with their matching charity coupons. A famous Japanese entrepreneur who has thousands of followers was retweeting  hundreds of tweets from his followers who were using twitter to confirm the safety of their family and friends so that more people would see their tweets and possibly respond.

企業や芸能人からの大きなサポート。ツイッターでフォロワー数が最も多いレディ・ガガは、「Pray for Japan」ブレスレットを販売、様々なスポーツチームも直ぐに基金していた。グルーポンやDMMは、寄付額と同額をマッチングするチャリティークーポンを販売。ホリエモンは、毎日何百人の安否確認ツィートをRTしていた。

I sat there in darkness (saving electricity, the least I could do) wondering what else I could do to help. I felt small. Like there was nothing I could do to make a difference. Sure I donated a bit of money, but is that it? 


I knew sitting here being frustrated with myself wasn't going to accomplish anything. So I decided to be my usual optimistic self and soon realized that it was the kind words of concern from friends, people posting "pray for Japan" badges on their profile pics, and people sharing words of support on twitter that was creating this energy.

でも、そこで自分を否定して、イライラしても何も生まれないことに気づき、いつもの前向きな自分に切り替えることにした。みんな自分が出来ることをやっている。「心配しているよ」と優しい言葉を送ったり、"Pray for Japan"バッジをプロフィール写真にアップしたり、励ましの呟きを共有したり。小さな応援の積み重ねがこの大きなエネルギーが生んでいるんだ。

One of these days I will have a company big enough to help society in big ways, but for now I can start with the small things and recognize that the desire to want to help is the most important thing. Because without that, no matter how big of an existence you become, nothing would happen.


So I contacted Kaori (our nail technician) and we began brainstorming ways to help. We decided to begin a Nail Up for Japan Campaign with a series of events to help those in need.

ネイリストの香織ちゃんに連絡してネイルアップとして出来ることを二人で考えた。小さなことばかりだけど、私達なりの支援「Nail Up for Japan」シリーズを実施することにした。




「Nail Up for Japan サンプル」

「Nail Up ギャラリーパーティー」


Mar 19 ~ Apr 3
"Charity Nails"
The fancier the design the more you donate.
Only 5000yen of the total price will be allocated as the service fee. All moneys beyond 5000yen will be donated to support the victims of the earthquake.

Apr 1 ~ Apr 30
"Nail Up for Japan Designs"
% of revenue for select designs will be donated.
(details to come)

Apr 29
"Nail Up Gallery Party"
A percentage of ticket sales will be donated.
(details to come)

"Manicures for those that really need it."
Once things settle down and we won't be getting in the way of the rescuers, we hope to be able to get a team of manicurists to go the regions affected by the quake and provide nail care for those recovering from damages.
We hope to provide even a minute of escape from the distresses that this disaster has caused.
