Thursday, March 3, 2011

Haircut for a reason. No, I didn't get dumped.

So I have decided to take action on my words.I wrote a few days ago that I found a new me. One that wanted to help people in need and do bigger things for the betterment of this world. I can't be mother teresa in a day, but I realized there are little things I can start right away.


I had been growing out my hair for quite some time. I was actually pretty fond of it - helped me to look more girly. But the maintenance was just awful. Took me so long to blow dry it and curl it. I just realized that it didn't fit my current lifestyle.


Then I remembered Locks of Love, an organization that creates wigs for young kids that have lost their hair due to chemotherapy and other illnesses. Why kids? I thought the same thing. According to their website, the wig industry focuses mostly on adult wigs and do not have many choices for children. So Locks of Love receives hair donations from people all around the world to provide custom-made wigs for kids that need it.

そして思い出したのは、アメリカのチャリティ団体「Locks of Love」。髪の毛を寄付して病気で髪の毛を無くしてしまった子供達にかつらを作る団体。何故子供?うん、私も思った。アメリカのかつら市場は、ほとんど大人向けの商品で中々子供に合うサイズが見つからないみたい。アメリカだと誰でも知っている団体で大学自体も周りの友達が寄付していた。

I wondered if there was such an organization in Japan. Thanks to Google, I found one instantly. It wasn't as "official" looking as Locks of Love with a blog that posted pictures of donated hair and a thank you message. They also required 30cm and your hair couldn't be dyed or permed.

日本にもこのような活動は無いのかな?とググってみたら一応あった。「Japan Hair Donation & Charity」、ホームページの質はいまいちでこれじゃあまり広まらなさそうと思ったけど、ブログを見たら寄付している人は結構いるみたい。でも、寄付する条件としては30cm以上であること、染めてないこと、パーマをかけてないこと。最近の女の子はほとんど染めてるし、30cmとなると結構ハードルが高いのでは?

Perhaps it's a technological difference, but Locks of Love accepts dyed or permed hair and only requires a length of 10inches (23.4cm). I decided this time that I'd airmail my hair over to the states since I didn't quite have 30cm.

技術の違いなのか「Locks of Love」は10in(23.4cm)以上で、染めててもパーマをかけてても大丈夫。かなりショートにしてでも25cmしか無かったので今回はアメリカにエアメール!

So here is my new look. My head feels so much lighter.  My hairstylist was quite surprised at my decision. I guess girls are pretty reluctant about chopping off their long locks. He didn't even know such organization existed.



Originally I had planned to keep growing it, but i had 2 great reasons for cutting it so the decision was easy.

