Yesterday, I had a chance to meet an inspiring young woman, Rika Sueyoshi who has been devoting herself to bettering the world through the Fair Trade Organization. She is a freelance reporter and you'll find her on various TV shows in Japan. The cute dresses from People Tree caught her attention 4 years ago and since then she has been traveling around the world, writing books and articles, and participating in various volunteer activities to spread the work of the Fairtrade Foundation within Japan.
The Fairtrade Foundation's mission is to help developing countries overcome poverty and promote sustainability by improving the trading position of the local farmers and artisans. In an age of pricing wars, the labor environment in developing countries is sure to worsen and the major advances in technology will further eliminate jobs that would otherwise support these impoverished communities.
里花さんは、People Treeと言うあるファッションブランドをきっかけに、4年前から発展途上国の人々に公正な仕事の機会を与える活動「フェアトレード」に取り組んでいる。People Treeのお洋服は、発展途上国の小規模農家や手工芸職人により作られており、それもきちんとした給与を与え、その街を継続性を支援している。何でも安くなっているこの世の中、この価格競争により貧しい国の労働環境は悪化していき、どんどん進むシステム化により仕事すらなくなる。
When we go shopping, we tend to focus a lot on getting a good deal, but many low-cost products usually come with high costs that consumers tend to not see because it does not have financial impact on the product itself. Within the process of production, however, someone is likely to be losing. In many cases is the workers in these impoverished nations - sweatshops as we often hear in the states.
In addition to promoting better working conditions for people of developing countries, the Fairtrade Foundation works to increase consumer awareness of these working conditions and the human-impact that comes from the development of these everyday products that we take for granted.
In addition to promoting better working conditions for people of developing countries, the Fairtrade Foundation works to increase consumer awareness of these working conditions and the human-impact that comes from the development of these everyday products that we take for granted.
In the UK, Fairtrade is recognized by 80% of the population. In the US, we get exposure through stores like Whole Foods, which sell Fairtrade certified products and by activists that are constantly promoting the use of Fairtrade in businesses. I remember reading about Fairtrade's efforts in increasing the percentage of coffee imported through fairtrade for major companies like Starbucks. and you've seen those activists in front of Gap and Old Navy running anti-sweatshop campaigns. But in Japan, only 17% of the population recognizes such practice.People Tree practices Fairtrade by selling clothing made by artisans and farmers in developing countries.
「フェアトレード」が始まったイギリスでは、この活動の認知度は80%。アメリカでは、近くのスーパーでフェアトレードの商品が売られていたり、活動家が「GAP」や「Old Navy」のようなファストファッションブランドの前でスェットショップの反対運動をしていたり、問題意識をする機会が多いため、それなりに認知されていると思われる。でも、日本ではまだまだ、認知度はたった17%。
That's where Rika wants to make changes. She hopes to increase the channels that can be used to promote Fairtrade practices to Japanese consumers. I think that spreading recognition through fashion like People Tree is a great way to attract the Japanese audience - especially the female market.
里花さんは、この認知度が課題だと認識している。今後は、色んなチャネルを通してフェアトレードを広めていきたいと語ってくれた。People Treeのようにファッションを通して広めていくのは、日本のマーケットにはとても効果的なアプローチだと個人的には思う。
I'm not saying it's bad to want to look pretty, I own a nail salon for crying out loud. But I do think that balance is important. You can't just take one extreme - comprehensive beauty is what we should aim for. I feel like I have been transitioning towards that mentality more and more everyday.
綺麗になることを決して否定している訳ではない。ネイルサロンを経営しているんだから 笑。でも、バランスは重要だと思う。中身だけでもないし、外見だけでもない。総合的な綺麗を目指すべき。私は、最近その重要さに気づいてきた。
Rika was a great example of someone with this balance. The moment she walked in, I thought "Wow, people on TV are even more gorgeous in real life!" But she wasn't just pretty on the outside, she was very down to earth and inspiring; just as, if not more, prettier on the outside. She told us about her trips abroad including stories of when she went to Siberia where it was -70 degrees and how she ate bugs and foot long rats in other developing countries. Stories that made us cringe, but realize how much of the world we don't know.
We had a great time at dinner with good food and good conversation. Rika had this aura about her that no makeup nor fashion could create. It had to have come from a balance of both inner and outer beauty.
A basket full of organic veggies at dinner.
Eating healthy is an important step for both outer and inner beauty.
I believe that fashion and beauty - these seemingly superficial things, are important points of entry for establishing inner beauty. My friend Mariko, who I mention in this blog quite a bit always emphasizes this. You will see if you look at her blog that most of her posts seem to be about the latest fashion brands, cosmetics, celebrity-style events that she attends, but that's just her way of reaching out. She provides and easy point of entry for her audience by writing and posting pictures about things that she knows they are interested in, but then incorporates a bigger underlying message that promotes her mission in life, which is to build confidence in girls and to show them what they are really capable of.
So in a sense, fashion and beauty is a tool, a channel to get attention from a specific market. It is also a great first step to building self confidence. With this realization, I hope to use Nail Up as a tool to communicate a bigger message to an audience that might not otherwise be reached.
For starters, I've decided to replace the cookies we serve at the salon with chocolates from the Fairtrade label. A very small step, but one step closer to "better" than before.
Opportunities to meet new people really open up your mind to new things and let you see things you hadn't even thought about - it gives you awareness. It's more than just reading about something in a book or seeing something on the news. You can feel the excitement in their voice, the genuineness, the truthfulness - hearing it firsthand is real, it's priceless.
I hope to meet many more people lika Rika that are taking specific actions to achieve their life missions. And one of these days I hope that I can be an inspiration in this same way to someone else.