Monday, January 16, 2012

Going around in circles is part of life. What matters is what you make of it. ぐるぐる回るのも人生。そこから何を生み出すかが大切!

So I haven't been updating my blog lately. My normal excuse would be that I'm too busy, but this time, it's more because I just haven't felt passionate enough to write about anything.


I got myself involved in too many things, wanted to do everything left and right, and as a result, everything has been half-ass; going around in circles.


I've talked about building a support structure for women and creating a place that creates dreams. But in reality, I haven't done much at all. I've talked about wanting to contribute to society through my business, but have been too busy just trying to keep my business running that any visions or missions that  I had barely exist.


All through the holidays, I was pretty much sick of this greedy selfish me that couldn't accomplish anything I had set to. As optimistic as I am, I'm only human. I guess it's healthy to have low points once in awhile; a good reality check actually.

バカみたいに前向きな私だって人間なんだからこう言う時期もあるよねw そしてこう言う時期があるからこそ、自分を見直そうと思うし、より良い道を選ぼうと思う。

And thankfully, all the fog started to clear up a little.


I also realized I don't have to be in such a hurry all the time. Trying to do everything at once, doesn't result in much.


The important thing is to keep moving forward in the right direction, even if it's one step at a time.


This year, I'm going to take steps to ensure that the "supporting women" concept that I have been throwing around, actually takes shape.


To do this though, I'll need some help. A sole proprietor isn't going to cut it.


I'll need to utilize a much bigger network.


Last year I tried the "supporting women" thing through my salon, but with such limited resources, there's not much you can do. So this year, I've decided to start a women's initiative at the consulting firm where I work.


The US operations have been taking measures to retain and advance women through their women's initiative since 1993.


In Japan, the topic came up just last year. Of course the partners and managers were too busy with their projects to get anything going, so I decided that I should take an active role.


I guess all that the partners and managers needed was a little push. Ever since I told them that I wanted to begin doing something, things have started to move along and we're planning our first event next month.


First will be the research phase. Our first event will be a casual get together to meet one another to understand who this initiative is for. Being at the client's site most of the time, we barely get a chance to meet members outside of our projects.


By creating a place where women can network and share issues and ideas, we can gather useful information on what kind of processes and systems are necessary to lower retention rates, to improve recruiting of skilled women, and to provide a working environment that allows women to advance in an industry like consulting. That'll be our next step.


Moving forward one step at a time.


All of the things I learn from starting up and running this initiative, I would like to connect to my own business and future lifework.


I think I'm starting to see what steps I need to take and in what direction.


so hopefully, I'll be able to write more going forth.

