Sunday, September 11, 2011

The beginnng of my first true career. 私の第一ライフワークの始まり。

We're moving!

Upgrading from the edge of Ginza to the center! We will be providing the same high-quality nail services, but in a more fabulous location!



With this move, my concept for the salon is also changing. Going forth, my business will not only be focused on making women happy merely through beautiful nails, but focused on promoting improved lifestyles for working women.

The salon will only be a small part of it all.



I want to create a place where women like me who want to achieve balance in both career and life can build up the confidence, find the opportunity, and take the action to realize their dreams. Japan, as developed as it is, is very behind in in this field.

Since last year when my salon opened, I have been "taking" and not really "giving". It's finally time that I can start giving back; giving back to my friends and family, giving back to all of our customers, and giving back to society.


今までは、皆様からサポートしてもらうばかりでした。今回は、少しずつですが、give backできる形で色々進めて行きたいと思います。この拡大ができるのも今まで支えてくださった皆様のお陰です。本当に感謝しております。

This career goal of mine to support working women is still very vague, and without any action a goal is just a stream of words. But now, with a solid core concept to my career, the actions I need take are much clearer. It's a good thing I've always been one to take action on my words.



to be continued

-- from my iPhone
