To me a hobby is something that you do 100% for fun to take your mind off of "stuff" and to refresh. I enjoy consulting and running a nail salon, but the issues and risks that come with it make it a little bit different... not really a hobby.
趣味の定義にもよるけど、私のなかでの趣味って100% for funでやること。もちろん仕事もネイルサロンもとっても楽しいけど、課題があったりリスクがあったり。。。趣味とは言えない。
But recently I found one!
A hobby that let's me step away from "work" for a bit and recharge. Cooking!
I decided to take advantage of the jet lag and start this new healthier life by making breakfast!
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Start your morning off with lots of protein! Egg salad toast. からたんぱく質で元気いっぱい!ソーセージとエッグトースト☆ |
Why all of the sudden cooking??
Last month, when I went back to Seattle, I ate my mom's homemade meals almost everyday. Although just a week, I enjoyed a very healthy lifestyle of eating at home, getting good sleep, and waking up early and realized how much I needed to get back to that.
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English muffin toasted with ham, egg, and cheese 日本ではあまり見ないイングリッシュマフィン ハム、卵、&チーズをはさんで出来あがり! |
Recently, a number of my friends are starting to get married, and it's making me think a lot about the future and how I want to spend it. When you're single, it's your choice whether to be a workaholic or not, but when you have a family, all of the sudden, balance becomes very important.
Fluffy pancakes topped with fruits and whipped cream! フルーツ沢山のパンケーキ。生クリームは砂糖無しで甘さ控えめ。 シロップがあるので充分☆ |
Growing up, my parents were very hands-off about my studies. They never asked about my grades or told me to do my homework. They rarely ever asked me about school.
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Tofu and pork hamburg patty. Topped with radish and shiso-leaf for an Asian taste. とってもふわふわな豆腐ハンバーグ☆ 初挑戦だったけどかなり上手く仕上がりました♪ |
Not only will cooking be useful later in life when I have a family, but it's just FUN. It requires creativity and imagination. I have always liked art and crafts and making new things, but making food allows you to enjoy the art of making and eating all in one!
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Green curry with jumbo shrimp and scallops. 豪華なグリーンカレー☆ 前日からぐつぐつ煮込んで作りました♪ |