From a stay-at-home mom to a hair stylist in her late 30s.
This blog is dedicated to my mom.
(私のブログデビュー!怒られるかも 汗)

Despite language barriers, my mom decided to go to beauty school after 10 years of being a stay-at-home mom in Anacortes, Washington. After she got her license, she approached an upscale salon in Seattle for a job. I remember my dad and I being in awe when she told us she that they had accepted her application.
There she brushed up her haircutting skills and after 2 years she took some time to go to advanced school and then began working at a salon in Bellevue renting a station for a bit more independence.
片言の英語で美容学校に通い、免許取得後にシアトルの人気サロンに飛び込み応募したと言うちょっとぶっ飛んだお母さん。採用されたと聞いたとき、私とお父さんはびっくり 笑 愛嬌って大事。私と違って本当に愛嬌があるんだ。知り合いに良く言われる「ちかもお母さんみたいに性格が可愛いければ良かったのに」。。。
The beginning was a bit rough. It took my mom awhile to build up a clientele, and I'm sure there were times when she thought about quitting. Over the years though, she has established great clients and is now busier than she has ever been. While I am very happy and proud, the pressure is on for get my business to get up to speed!
2年後その人気サロンを辞め、別のサロンでステーションを借りてちょっと独立(実はこのサロン、私がアメリカにいた時にネイルをしていたサロン。一時期親子で仕事してました。懐かしいね。)。最初は、中々軌道にのらず、諦めようと思った時もあったと思う。でも、この数年を掛けて様々な素敵なお客様とも出会い昔は考えられなかったぐらい忙しくなった。電話で話す時も活き活きとしていて、娘としてはとても嬉しい。と言いながら、私も負けられない!と思っている 笑
This fall, my mom is about to take another big step in her career. According to her it's going to be her last. At xx years old (lol), she is about to realize a dream she has had ever since she began her career as a hair stylist. It's really never too late.
そして、お母さんはこれから新たなステップを踏もうとしている。彼女曰くこれが最後のキャリアステップ。美容師を始めた時から描いていた夢を○○歳で実現(言ったら怒られるから 笑)。
She was still debating whether to take this step or not when I saw her in Seattle, but my dad's words made it final. "It's a great thing to have a dream at this age. You should do what you want."
Not that we planned it together, but my nail salon will also be undergoing some changes this fall. With our 1 year anniversary coming up, we will be moving to a better location and a bit bigger space in hopes to create an even better salon for ourselves and our clients. Sometimes you just gotta take a risk. Mom, I may be far away physically, but I'm right there with you!