Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A salon that is truly me. 私にしか出来ないサロン作り。

The relocation next month is not just a matter of "moving" the salon, but an expansion of the entire concept. In a few words, "a salon that let's you dream".



Since I opened Nail Up a year ago, I have learned the ups and downs of running a business, and have really begun thinking about what I want to do with this business going forth. I'm not a beautician, nor do I have much experience in the beauty industry. Opening a chain of nail salons - I realized that didn't need to be me. I wanted to open a salon that reflected my values and my skills. But what do I have to offer? I don't have any special skills or out of this world talents. But I realized that I have the ability to energize others.


And around me are lots of young women that want to do something with their lives. Women that need a little bit of energy to get them started. A salon that supports women that want independence, that want to fulfill their careers, that are dreamers just like me. That's the kind of salon that only I can run.


The new salon will have an expanded menu. Facials and reflexology to mention a few new additions. Outer beauty leads to confidence, and confidence is essential in realizing your dream. But no matter how glamours your nails are, or how flawless your complexion is, if you don't have the inner beauty to match up, it's meaningless.


The thing is though, you can't purchase inner beauty at a salon. It comes from the people you meet, the experiences you gain, and the challenges that you take.


With this in mind, I want to add a social aspect to the salon that creates the opportunities and experiences necessary to build inner confidence and strength to get one step closer to realizing one's dream.


In addition to the usual beauty services, my salon will produce and host a series of social events such as classes and seminars, galleries and parties, to create a salon that let's you dream.


In sync with the expansion in concept, I have decided to rename the salon.


The name of the salon that I intended on opening after college. I didn't have the confidence or strength to do it then, but I do now and as a symbol of dreams coming true I name my new salon Dolce.



