Today I'm leaving Tokyo for a two week trip to the US. The first week will be for business in NYC and the second week I'll fly to Seattle to visit my family.
今日から2週間アメリカに行って来ます☆一週間目は、New York City、二週間目は、実家のSeattle.
In New York, I'll be visiting the headquarters of my consulting client. I finally get to meet all the people I had been speaking to over telephone conferences for the past year. We'll be sharing updates from the current project as well as planning for another project starting in the fall.
New Yorkは、コンサルの仕事の出張!クライアントの本社を訪問し、今まで一年間電話会議で話していた方々に会いに行くことになった。今のプロジェクトの情報共有と秋から始まるプロジェクトのプランニング。
This will be my second overseas business trip since entering the firm. I had the opportunity to go to the UK for business two years ago. Unlike some of the other units within our firm like manufacturing where you have business trips to Asia throughout the year to visit various companies and their factories, the financial services unit where I am assigned has very few chances to go abroad unless you are a senior manager or partner. As a matter of fact, you barely ever get to even leave Tokyo since everything is right here.
During my last business trip, I was basically a translator for my manager but this time I'm going alone with no boss! I have to make sure to get all the right information and build relationships with the necessary people; a lot of responsibility, but exciting at the same time. I think it's a sign that I'm growing!